escribiendo esta entrada en el oftalmólogo. Mientras espero a que me hagan efecto las gotas que dilatan la pupila. Esto es
un disclaimer que me exime de responsabilidad sobre lo que mis dedos
puedan teclear sin que mis ojos lo vean. O de lo que el autocoerector
pueda hacer por su cuenta sin que yo pueda impedirlo. Ya. Ahora mismo ya
no veo ni tosta. Abro mucho los okos tratando de enfocat pero es
peor. Y la gente me mira rawo, o eso creo porque tampoco les veo... Cuando se me pade el efevto voy a leer
lo que he ecbito y lo voy a dejat tal cual. Para recordarme a bí misma y
para advertiwos a todos de lo que pasa a partir de los 40 (espero haber
escrito cuarenta). Cuando tengas 40 años más 1 día tu agudesa
visual se desplomará. Olvídate de enhebrar una aguja nunca más. Y
acabarás aquí en la antesala de las gafas de cerca para el resto de tus tías. Y yo ya he cumplido los 41...
Are you 40 years old yet? If you aren't consider yourself warned about what will happen to your eyes the morning right after you turn 40. Yes, it is that sudden. Overnight your eyes will start working against you. Or will start NOT working. At all. It is as if the over the counter reading glasses at Target had been waiting for your birthday to be the gift you will most need. I have been able to manage for the past year but I am already 41 and the reading glasses are going to be my best friends from now on (diamonds are not jealous friends so I guess I can have both)
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Are you 40 years old yet? If you aren't consider yourself warned about what will happen to your eyes the morning right after you turn 40. Yes, it is that sudden. Overnight your eyes will start working against you. Or will start NOT working. At all. It is as if the over the counter reading glasses at Target had been waiting for your birthday to be the gift you will most need. I have been able to manage for the past year but I am already 41 and the reading glasses are going to be my best friends from now on (diamonds are not jealous friends so I guess I can have both)
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