Being an Spaniard in the US is a little like toxoplasmosis when you're pregnant. No cured meats, only fully cooked stuff. One of the best foods in the world is Spnish Jamón de Bellota. If you have never tried it you are really missing something amazing. Forget about prosciutto, nothing to do with it. You must try it and you will be converted forever. The thing about it is that you are not allowed to eat it while pregnant if you have not been naturally immunized against a desease called toxoplasmosis which is totally benigne except if you catch it while pregnant because it can be dangerous for the fetus. For Spaniard pregnant women this can be a challenge. Not being able to eat this delicacy for 9 months can be hard. Especially if everybody around you is enjoying it. This product cannot be brought into the US so it's been 6 months now that I have not eaten it. And it reminds me about my two pregnancies and toxoplasmosis. The good side of this way of deprivation is that, in this case, the end of it does not involve going into labor, and the best of all, the father gets to suffer too.
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