Si no fuera porque Georgie Dann es francés solo hubiera podido ser tejano. No hay lugar con más tradición de barbacoa. Qué digo tradición, la barbaquiú aquí es religión. Así que hablemos de barbacoas y de lo que sea que me venga a la mente pensando en ellas.
Grilling is a big thing in America. Well, I don't know about America in general but it is for sure a BIG (as everything else is) thing in Texas. There is literally no home in this great state of Texas without a grill. Gas, charcoal or electric, if you don't grill you are not allowed in the State. Add that one to the list of requirements Trump is creating for us foreigners to be allowed to stay here. So I am totally INTO the grillin' thing. And I have proof.
Scroll down for recipe in English