Hoy quiero hablaros de los
duendes. De los que viven en mi casa desde que me independicé. Es curioso, porque aunque he vivido en 4 casas diferentes y una de ellas, la actual, está incluso en un continente distinto al de las otras tres, los duendes se las han apañado para expatriarse con nosotros. No sé dónde se meten o cómo se esconden pero incluso se vienen con nosotros de vacaciones. Seguramente en algunas de vuestras casas también vivan duendes. Suelen ser aquellos a quienes los maridos e hijos de las familias atribuyen el poder de
cambiar el rollo de papel higiénico terminado por uno nuevo por las noches, cuando nadie los ve. Junto con otras muchas otras tareas.
Today I want to talk to you about the elfs. Yes, those elfs that seem to live in most homes without distinction of nationality, hemisphere or race. We had them in Madrid and they even came with us when we made our way over the ocean to America. In case you haven't heard of them, these little elfs are usually the those creatures to whom husbands and children attribute the ability to change the empty toilet paper roll during the night while they are sleeping. That is the reason why they never change it to a new one. Because of the elfs that show up during their sleep to change it so they will wake up to a new shinny white paper roll. I tried to stay up all night once to catch them but they decided not to show up in that ocasion so I had to change the roll myself. Wait, that was not just once. It might have happened twice... Or maybe three... four times?... Oh God, I think I am an Oompa Loompa.
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