19 mayo 2017

Time is of the essence

I am pretty sure I got it from my father. He has never been late in his entire life. Well, maybe once, and because he was with me in the car that took me to the church on my wedding day. But just that one time. He must have mentally prepared without the rest of the world knowing because I didn't notice him being particularly nervous or looking at his watch more than the usual 10 times per minute. He was in control.
I know all this because I am the exact same. When I have an appointment with somebody or have somewhere to be at a specific time I start worrying about all the things that could happen and get in my way and make me be late. So I need to plan ahead all the necessary steps to get me to my destination on time (this usually means 15 min early).

Estoy segura de que he heredado la puntualidad de mi padre. Creo que la única vez que ha llegado tarde en su vida fue cuando me acompañó al altar. Debió de entrenar a escondidas porque no le noté especialmente nervioso ni le vi mirar el reloj más de las 10 veces por minuto habituales en él. Sé todo esto porque yo soy igual. Cuando tengo una cita ya empiezo a preocuparme por todas las cosas que se pueden interponer en mi camino y hacer que llegue tarde. Así que planifico to
do bien para llegar a mi destino a tiempo, es decir, unos 15 minutos antes de la hora.

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Being like this is just fine. Everybody has their own kind of crazy stuff going on and that's just okay. I am a time control freak and I plan accordingly, nothing wrong or weird about it. The problem comes when I turns into I+kids. Yes folks, when you add kids to the equation there is no planning accordingly. There is no planning at all. Besides the planning for saving for a therapist that will help me control the cumulative anxiety of not being able to be on time never, ever, ever getting bsck together again. If you are a laid back about punctuality kinda person you won't be able to understand what it's like to be like me.
But I'm sure you will understand that, for someone like me, who tends to look at her watch I-don't-even-know-how-many-times-a-day, it is very important to have something pretty to look at. Something that makes you feel good in the middle of the chaos of being late. Or something that makes you proud of being already there when it isn't time yet. This is why my watch is a key accessory for me. It has to be precise, beautiful, stylish and it has to reflect my personality or the stage of life I find myself into at the moment.

I recently discovered JORD watches. Not only are they all of the above but they are also made of wood! Real wood in the bracelet and the case. Mine is sandalwood. Isn't that amazing? And this connects perfectly with my inner quest for a more natural lifestyle lately. They have many different designs and it was hard to pick one! I decided on the Frankie Dark Sandalwood and Smoke because after several years of a white crystal I wanted to try something dark.
The good news for you is that at JORD watches they are having a giveaway for all the people reading this. If you click on the link below you can enter the giveaway for a $100 discount on one of these unique watches. And if you don't get lucky you still get lucky because there is a $25 discount for everyone participating in the giveaway. All you have to do is click HERE and enter your email. Is that simple. Good luck! You have until 06/11/2017 to participate.

Así que si sois de los que miráis el reloj un montón de veces lo mejor es un reloj bonito! Que te haga sentir súper orgullosa cuando lo miras y ves que has llegado antes de la hora. O que te quite la ansiedad que llegar tarde. He descubierto los relojes JORD y me encantan. Son precisos y súper originales. Están hechos de madera y conectan muy bien con mi búsqueda de lo natural últimamente. 
El que llevo puesto es de madera de sándalo. No es ideal? Hay un montón de modelos a cual más bonito. La buena noticia es que hay un sorteo para ganar un descuento de $100 al comprar una de estas maravillas. Sólo hay que pinchar en este enlace y seguir los pasos. Y si no ganáis, para todos los pedidos hay además un descuento de $25 dólares. Suerte a todos! Podéis participar hasta el 11 de Junio de 2017.

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31 marzo 2017

Falda de ternera marinada a la parrilla - Marinated grilled skirt steak

Si no fuera porque Georgie Dann es francés solo hubiera podido ser tejano. No hay lugar con más tradición de barbacoa. Qué digo tradición, la barbaquiú aquí es religión. Así que hablemos de barbacoas y de lo que sea que me venga a la mente pensando en ellas.

Grilling is a big thing in America. Well, I don't know about America in general but it is for sure a BIG (as everything else is) thing in Texas. There is literally no home in this great state of Texas without a grill. Gas, charcoal or electric, if you don't grill you are not allowed in the State. Add that one to the list of requirements Trump is creating for us foreigners to be allowed to stay here. So I am totally INTO the grillin' thing. And I have proof.

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26 febrero 2017

Pastel de Lima y Coco - Total Coconut and Lime cake

Pues sí, en el momento que se publica esta entrada me encuentro celebrando mi cumpleaños, otro más. Es verdad eso de que mejor cumplirlos que no. Sin embargo con el paso de los años van dándose situaciones en las que cada cumpleaños añade más matices, llamémoslos "desventurados" haciendo el intento de celebración un poco más complicado. Porque a ver qué cuerpo se te queda cuando te pregunta tu hija que cuántos cumples y al responderle se echa a llorar diciendo "Noooo, no quiero que te mueraaaas" Hala, y ahora sopla las velas.

There is so many good things about birthdays... How come I don't seem to be able to find them? It's like this all getting old thing is supposed to be awesome because it means you suddenly have all the wisdom blooming out of you like enlightnening everyone, sort of... But I am not there yet. I am in that middle age stage where my kids, far from admiring me as if I was freaking Kung-Fu wise (I am referring to David Carradine Kung Fu here, not Kung Fu Panda. Please. NOT.) only see me as a potential grandma for their dolls. This is why I find birthdays can get tricky at my age. But hey! let's have cake and make everything be better.

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10 febrero 2017

Hojaldre de pera y ciruelas con gorgonzola y miel - [Honey Pear & Plum tart with Gorgnzola]

Un mes despúes del fin de la temporada navideña ya puedo hablar de ello sin que me dé un tic. Y además ya estoy completamente preparada. No es que creyera que no lo estaba antes, pero ahora estoy segura al cien por cien. Tras mi tercer viaje transoceánico de 15 horas, con escala, con dos niñas y siendo el único adulto a cargo, definitivamente estoy preparada para ingresar en un centro de terapia a base de largos periodos de silencio combinados con electroshock. Y también estoy lista para un trasplante capilar.

I have survived three long distance flights, with a stop, and with 2 kids, being the only adult in charge. So now all I can think of is checking-in into a retreat facility with white walls and water sounds. And all the recipes I am capable of are simple. Very simple. Yet very tasty. Few steps, and very few ingredients. And lots of flavor.

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23 noviembre 2016

Maple balsamic roasted Brussels sprouts - Coles de Bruselas asadas con vinagre balsámico y sirope de arce. [Happy Thanksgiving]

Acción de Gracias. Esta festividad es lo que va a unir a Trump y Hillary por única vez. El enfoque del agradecimiento no será el mismo claro está. En el caso del presidente-electo, Acción de Gracias estará en línea con aquello de que "de malbien nacido es ser agradecido". En el caso de Hillary Clinton supongo que la cosa irá más bien por el clásico enfoque de "al menos tenemos salud".
Sea como fuere, todos tenemos algo por lo que estar agradecidos y es una bonita fiesta que nos lo recuerda.

Thanksgiving two ways: at the Trumps they will hold hands and be thankful for the world being crazy enough so people though that only a crazy person could save it. At the Clinton's they will go more for the classic "at least we can give thanks because we are healthy" approach. Anyways, we all have many things to be thankful for and I find this Holiday so inspiring and happy. I am so excited about it and I am thankful for the good friends I have made in this country. Happy Thanksgiving!

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